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iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation is based on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra. iRest differs from other forms of mindfulness meditation. In most mindfulness meditation, zen or mantra meditation you guide yourself into the present moment by repeating the mantra or in zen to clear your mind. In  iRest or “integrated restoration” you are guided to integrate your body, mind and spirit. The teacher will first ensure you are very comfortable, with a pillow and blanket while lying on the floor, couch or bed and that you feel safe and secure while meditating. You are guided  to experience first hand your body, your senses, and allowing any thoughts, feelings and or emotions to be present. In iRest Y N meditation we allow and welcome all that arises in our body, mind and spirit. 

Each 30 - 45 min meditation allows the body to deeply rest in the delta state or deep non dreaming state of mind.  Delta waves suspend external awareness and are the source of empathy.

Many people feel they don’t have the time to meditate or they feel they must quiet their thoughts before they can meditate. When you learn and practice iRest YN, you learn how to use the tools of iRest and take the meditation “off the mat” and into every moment of your life.

 I teach iRest YN as a facilitated meditation both to individuals and groups. I have a 5 weeks series that dives deep into the working and practice of iRest Yoga Nidra. I also have free recordings here along with free videos in my youtube channel.

Please contact me for pricing of classes, workshops and individual classes.

Co-Meditation is also available. In this meditation you follow your own journey. I guide you through your body and senses and support you as you move into your meditation. In a safe and comfortable setting after being guided into your body you lead yourself to whatever feelings, emotions and thoughts that arise in your field of awareness.

I hold the safe space for you and gently guide you to connect with all levels of yourself. These connections can provide a better understanding of your life in the past, present and future; which will lead you to find peace, wellbeing and joy in each moment of your life.


One hour session: $100

Please contact me with any questions, I look forward to sharing this amazing meditation with you.



People who practice iRest Yoga Nidra report:


  • Reduces depression, fear and anxiety

  • Reduces insomnia and levels of stress

  • Reduces chronic pain and acute pain

  • Greater ability to relax and enjoy life.

  • Improved interpersonal relations

  • Increased inner peace and well-being


60 minute session $100

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